Dear All,
In the series of blogs discussing motivations of youngsters to join merchant navy, today we are going to discuss the job scenario other than merchant in front of the aspirants to take merchant nave as an option.
In India the scope after schooling in enormous and with the development of technology you can have access to the various options to choose as a career, however this opportunity of able to get such information is available only to a small percentage of privileged Kids but not to the majority of kids who come out of schooling every year.
Now this majority of the kids get the information from friends/consultants and they compare the information they have about merchant navy with other course and career progress information and the below are some of the comparisons they make based on the shore opportunities available compared to merchant navy on basis of which they take the decision
1) The time they would actually start earning: In merchant navy, the trainees also get stipend and the Presea courses are shorter compared to other courses. The maximum duration of Presea is B-tech which is of 4 years, otherwise all the other Presea courses are of lesser Duration-Read my earlier blog on the earning curve of the seafarers. If a kid decides to go in the main stream, he would do a graduate or an engineering or in Medicine-These are the 3 main profession let’s take for comparison,
a. If he does a graduation which is of 3 years, he would need to a post-graduation of 2 more years, without which his/her earning capacity is very limited this goes to 5 years and after that they would be taken as a trainee
b. If he does an Engineering or similar –which is 4 years, then with a post-graduation for the same reason mentioned above is 6 years before he is taken as a trainee
c. If He/she decides do medicine-there is no comparison to the cost nor the duration of studies as they 1st do a basic graduation, then specialisation the a super specialisation which can go up to 8 years
d. All other courses and streams would large fall in one of the above categories or would be very similar.
Even after the graduations and post graduations, the salary/stipend they would be paid would include their expenses for staying, food, travel expenses. In case of the ships, your house is your work place and the food is already paid by the company you work for and the accommodation is also taken care of as you stay on the ship.
2) The Merchant navy career is more adventurous and kids who are adventurous then are motivated to join.
3) It’s out of normal career, Merchant navy might be familiar in Metros However Merchant navy as a career is not very well known in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and villages.
4) The entry criteria are comparatively lesser compared to main stream courses. In Merchant Navy the maximum entry percentage is only 60% however in main stream colleges it can be around 80s or even more. Hence Merchant navy attracts the youngsters.
5) In Merchant navy as you start earning earlier, the youngsters serious in their careers feel, Merchant navy would provide them an opportunity to build their corpus faster than their mates and to settle in the society earlier.
6) Youngsters from a little weaker back ground, see this as an opportunity to give his/her parents a better life as cost of the pre sea courses are comparative less than the main stream courses and he can start earning faster to care of his/her parents.
7) Finally, there are few aspirants who have always been fascinated by ships and wanted to sail on the ships in deep oceans and hence they always feel merchant is better than any career ashore.
In view of the above reasons Aspirants feel it’s better to join merchant navy in whatever stream for them to possibly join.
Please do comment if you connect with any of the reasons above or if you have any other points which self might have missed and we could add it here.
Happy reading!